Engaged Network Leadership

Engaging employees is always challenging, especially during disruptive events like the current COVID-crisis. However, engagement among employees is crucial for strategy execution, particularly with the current work-from-home restrictions.

To overcome these challenges within a large, international systems bank MeetingMoreMinds has conceptualized and designed a large scale, live and interactive online program focused on boosting employee engagement. Through these interactive sessions we prepare pioneering employees from all departments and regions for a new way of working.

For these pioneering employees to be able to lead their teams, departments and regions forward in adapting this new way of working we equip them with new skills, focusing on themes like engagement, networking, collaboration, collective intelligence, horizontal leadership and strategy execution.


Due to the extreme relevance of this project at the current time, multiple articles were written by multiple outlets. Take a look at some interviews:

Management Scope Magazine – Vincent Maagdenberg en Annemieke Roobeek ‘Zie strategie niet als een keurslijf’ (Dutch)

PWnet – Annemieke Roobeek: ‘Voor succesvolle transformaties zijn geëngageerde leiders nodig’ (Dutch)

SER – De bedrijfsstrategie laten leven op de werkvloer (Praktijkverhaal sociale innovatie) (Dutch)




MMM is lead partner and collaborator with Right Management and Manpower Group.


MeetingMoreMindsRight Management - ervaringen van opleidingen, trainingen en cursussen - Springest